Homeopathic Consultations In Person

In Brighton and Hove from March 2025

Before booking, please read


Please double-check that you are booking in your own timezone to avoid scheduling errors.

Cancellation & Rescheduling Policy

If you need to cancel or reschedule, please do so with at least 48 hours’ notice. Late cancellations (within 48 hours) can only be refunded if someone else books your slot. If they book a shorter appointment, only a partial refund will be given.

Children’s Appointments (3-12 years)

If possible, please allow me to observe your child’s natural behaviour for at least a few minutes. This can be while they are playing, interacting with you, or engaged in an activity they enjoy.

Teen Consultations (13-18 years)

For younger teens (13-15 years), a parent or guardian must be present for the entire consultation. For older teens (16+ years), a parent/guardian must be present for the first few minutes or provide written consent before the session.

Complex Cases (Children, Teens & Siblings) - if you would feel more comfortable having an online appointment, please visit this page for more information.

These sessions allow extra time for children, teens, or siblings with more detailed medical histories, sensory sensitivities, or complex needs.

Sibling Appointments

For two or three siblings who need support. Each child will receive individual attention while we also consider shared health patterns.

Whole Family Appointments

For larger families where multiple family members need support. These sessions are more flexible and focus on the most pressing concerns first, before addressing deeper root causes. We will use the session time as effectively as possible, adjusting based on individual and shared needs.